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What Are Some Different Types Of Apartment Buildings In Westfield?

June 03, 2022

When you’re hunting for an apartment, you’ll discover different types of apartment buildings in Westfield. Almost all fall into one of three classifications: low-rise, mid-rise, and high-rise. But which kind of building is the right choice? Evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each choice will help you figure out what type of apartment you wish to live in.

The Benefits And Drawbacks Of High-rise Apartment Buildings

High-rise apartment buildings generally feature ten stories or more. You’ll see them in urban city centers where their height allows them to accommodate a fair number of Residents within a small footprint. Those who prefer residing in high-rise apartments pick them due to the following:

  • High-rise buildings offer the best views of Westfield.
  • You find them in the heart of town within walking distance stores, various eateries, and attractions. Many high-rises actually feature eating options or shops on their ground floor.
  • They will lessen your commute if you have a job or attend school in the area.
  • High-rise buildings have elevators, so you won’t be required to lumber up stairs.
  • In a high-rise, all of your neighbors live in the same building. This could provide a greater impression of community as you talk in the halls or when taking the elevator. You may also get the luxury of an attendant or concierge.

Despite its many benefits, habitating in a high-rise isn’t for all people. Coming home to a city high-rise is enjoyable and lively for many, but you probably won’t like it if you need peace and quiet. Heading out to work or school may also take a few more minutes when living in a tall building, and a city space may have a limited amount of on-site parking. As a final note, high-rise options might be quite small to be able to accommodate more homes into limited space.

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Low-rise Apartment Buildings

Somo Flats Apartments is a low-rise building. 

When debating between different types of apartment buildings in Westfield, low-rise — commonly referred to as garden-style choices — are in sharp contrast to high-rise properties. They usually consist of a maximum of four floors and are situated in suburban neighborhoods. You often find many low-rises at the same property with an abundance of space encompassing them.

So why should you think about a low-rise option over other types of apartment buildings in Westfield?

  • Low-rise properties contain more units on the first floor, providing easier entry to and exit from the building.
  • Low-rise properties typically boast more parking spaces for occupants and others.
  • You’ll find extra outside room to enjoy if you have a dog or a preference for nature views outside your window rather than a busy city street.
  • You’ll reside in the quieter suburbs.
  • You share hallways and common spaces with fewer folks and enjoy a greater amount of seclusion.

However, not all people is looking for these perks. If you have a preference for the exhilaration and entertainment of city living, a more serene low-rise property won’t fit your needs. Based on where you work or study, you may encounter a long drive from your low-rise building as well.

The Pros And Cons Of Mid-rise Apartment Buildings

City's End Apartments is a mid-rise building. 

Mid-rise apartment buildings have between five and nine stories. You’ll see them in both urban and outlying areas, so they blend the benefits of other types of apartment buildings in Westfield:
  • When you have a mid-rise unit in suburbia, you’ll benefit from a peaceful place and natural environs combined with the social aspects of living in a taller building.
  • If you choose a mid-rise apartment in the center of Westfield, you won’t encounter as many tenants as a high-rise but you can still take part in the thrill of city living.

Having Trouble Deciding What Kind Of Apartment Building You Want? Take A Tour Of Beautiful Harmony Apartment Homes

At Harmony, we blend a beautiful property with a preferred neighborhood to give you a wonderful place to come home to. Call (317) 795-0224 or request a tour to explore our roomy apartments and sought-after amenities for yourself.